API Reference

The following section outlines the API of dhooks.


class dhooks.Webhook(url: str = '', session: Union[aiohttp.client.ClientSession, requests.sessions.Session, None] = None, is_async: bool = False, **options)[source]

Class that represents a Discord webhook.

  • url (str, optional) –

    The webhook URL that the client will send requests to.

    Note: the URL should contain the id and token of the webhook in the form of:



    If you don’t provide url, you must provide both id and token keyword arguments.

  • session (requests.Session or aiohttp.ClientSession, optional) – The HTTP session that will be used to make requests to the API. If session is not provided, a new requests.Session or aiohttp.ClientSession will be created, depending on is_async.
  • is_async (bool, optional) – Defaults to False. Whether or not to the API methods in the class should be asynchronous. If set to True, all methods will have the same interfaces, but returns a coroutine.
  • **id (int, optional) – The Discord ID of the webhook. If not provided, it will be extracted from the webhook URL.
  • **token (str, optional) – The Discord token of the webhook. If not provided, it will be extracted from the webhook URL.
  • **username (str, optional) – The username that will override the default name of the webhook every time you send a message.
  • **avatar_url (str, optional) – The URL of the avatar that will override the default avatar of the webhook every time you send a message.

int – The Discord ID of the webhook.


str – The Discord token of the webhook.


str – The webhook URL that the client will send requests to.


str – The username that will override the default name of the webhook every time you send a message. If username is not provided, the default name is used.


str – The avatar URL that will override the default avatar of the webhook every time you send a message. If avatar_url is not provided, the default avatar is used.


bool – Whether or not to the API methods in the class should be asynchronous. If set to True, all methods will have the same interfaces, but returns a coroutine.


requests.Session or aiohttp.ClientSession – The HTTP session that will be used to make requests to the API. session will be a requests.Session or aiohttp.ClientSession depending on is_async.




In order for some attributes to be filled, get_info() must be called prior.

The default name of the webhook, this can be changed via modify() or directly through discord server settings.


str – The avatar string of the webhook.


int – Defaults to -1. The id of the webhook’s guild.


int – Defaults to -1. The id of the channel the webhook sends messages to.

classmethod Async(url: str = '', session: Optional[aiohttp.client.ClientSession] = None, **options) → dhooks.client.Webhook[source]

Returns a new instance of Webhook with is_async set to True.

Equivalent to:

Webhook(url, session=session, is_async=True, **options)
delete() → None[source]

Deletes the Webhook permanently.

edit(name: str = '', avatar: bytes = b'') → dhooks.client.Webhook

Alias for modify().

execute(content: str = '', embed: Optional[dhooks.embed.Embed] = None, embeds: Optional[List[dhooks.embed.Embed]] = None, file: Optional[dhooks.file.File] = None, username: str = '', avatar_url: str = '', tts: bool = False) → dhooks.client.Webhook

Alias for send().

get_info() → dhooks.client.Webhook[source]

Updates Webhook with fresh data retrieved from discord.

The following attributes are retrieved and updated:

modify(name: str = '', avatar: bytes = b'') → dhooks.client.Webhook[source]

Edits the webhook.

  • name (str, optional) – The new default name of the webhook.
  • avatar (bytes, optional) – The new default avatar that webhook will be set to.
send(content: str = '', embed: Optional[dhooks.embed.Embed] = None, embeds: Optional[List[dhooks.embed.Embed]] = None, file: Optional[dhooks.file.File] = None, username: str = '', avatar_url: str = '', tts: bool = False) → dhooks.client.Webhook[source]

Sends a message to discord through the webhook.

  • content (str, optional) – The message contents (up to 2000 characters)
  • embed (Embed, optional) – Single embedded rich content.
  • embeds (List[Embed], optional) – List of embedded rich content.
  • file (File, optional) – The file that will be uploaded.
  • tts (bool, optional) – Defaults to False. Whether or not the message will use text-to-speech.
  • username (str, optional) – Defaults to username. Override the default username of the webhook.
  • avatar_url (str, optional) – Defaults to avatar_url. Override the default avatar of the webhook.


class dhooks.File(fp: Union[BinaryIO, str], name: str = '')[source]

Data class that represents a file that can be sent to discord.

  • fp (str or io.BytesIO) – A file path or a binary stream that is the file. If a file path is provided, this class will open and close the file for you.
  • name (str, optional) – The name of the file that discord will use, if not provided, defaults to the file name or the binary stream’s name.
close(force=False) → None[source]

Closes the file if the file was opened by File, if not, this does nothing.

Parameters:force (bool) – If set to True, force close every file.
seek(offset: int = 0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

A shortcut to self.fp.seek.


class dhooks.Embed(**kwargs)[source]

Class that represents a discord embed.

  • **title (str, optional) – Defaults to None. The title of the embed.
  • **description (str, optional) – Defaults to None. The description of the embed.
  • **url (str, optional) – URL of the embed. It requires title to be set.
  • **timestamp (str, optional) – ISO 8601 timestamp of the embed. If set to a “now”, the current time is set as the timestamp.
  • **color (int (or hex), optional) – Color of the embed.
  • **image_url (str, optional) – URL of the image.
  • **thumbnail_url (str, optional) – URL of the thumbnail.
add_field(name: str, value: str, inline: bool = True) → None[source]

Adds an embed field.

  • name (str) – Name attribute of the embed field.
  • value (str) – Value attribute of the embed field.
  • inline (bool) – Defaults to True. Whether or not the embed should be inline.
del_field(index: int) → None[source]

Deletes a field by index.

Parameters:index (int) – Index of the field to delete.
set_author(name: str, icon_url: str = None, url: str = None) → None[source]

Sets the author of the embed.

  • name (str) – The author’s name.
  • icon_url (str, optional) – URL for the author’s icon.
  • url (str, optional) – URL hyperlink for the author.

Sets the footer of the embed.

  • text (str) – The footer text.
  • icon_url (str, optional) – URL for the icon in the footer.
set_image(url: str) → None[source]

Sets the image of the embed.

Parameters:url (str) – URL of the image.
set_thumbnail(url: str) → None[source]

Sets the thumbnail of the embed.

Parameters:url (str) – URL of the thumbnail.
set_timestamp(time: Union[str, datetime.datetime] = None, now: bool = False) → None[source]

Sets the timestamp of the embed.

  • time (str or datetime.datetime) – The ISO 8601 timestamp from the embed.
  • now (bool) – Defaults to False. If set to True the current time is used for the timestamp.
set_title(title: str, url: str = None) → None[source]

Sets the title of the embed.

  • title (str) – Title of the embed.
  • url (str or None, optional) – URL hyperlink of the title.
to_dict() → dict[source]

Turns the Embed object into a dictionary.