Source code for dhooks.client

import re

import aiohttp
import requests
from typing import Union, List, Optional, Coroutine
import time
import asyncio

from .utils import bytes_to_base64_data
from .utils import aliased, alias
from .embed import Embed
from .file import File

    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

[docs]@aliased class Webhook: """Class that represents a Discord webhook. Parameters ---------- url: str, optional The webhook URL that the client will send requests to. Note: the URL should contain the :attr:`id` and :attr:`token` of the webhook in the form of: ::{id}/{token} .. warning:: If you don't provide :attr:`url`, you must provide both :attr:`id` and :attr:`token` keyword arguments. session: requests.Session or aiohttp.ClientSession, optional The HTTP session that will be used to make requests to the API. If :attr:`session` is not provided, a new :class:`requests.Session` or :class:`aiohttp.ClientSession` will be created, depending on :attr:`is_async`. is_async: bool, optional Defaults to :class:`False`. Whether or not to the API methods in the class should be asynchronous. If set to :class:`True`, all methods will have the same interfaces, but returns a coroutine. \*\*id: int, optional The Discord ID of the webhook. If not provided, it will be extracted from the webhook URL. \*\*token: str, optional The Discord token of the webhook. If not provided, it will be extracted from the webhook URL. \*\*username: str, optional The username that will override the default name of the webhook every time you send a message. \*\*avatar_url: str, optional The URL of the avatar that will override the default avatar of the webhook every time you send a message. Attributes ---------- id: int The Discord ID of the webhook. token: str The Discord token of the webhook. url: str The webhook URL that the client will send requests to. username: str The username that will override the default name of the webhook every time you send a message. If :attr:`username` is not provided, the default name is used. avatar_url: str The avatar URL that will override the default avatar of the webhook every time you send a message. If :attr:`avatar_url` is not provided, the default avatar is used. is_async: bool Whether or not to the API methods in the class should be asynchronous. If set to :class:`True`, all methods will have the same interfaces, but returns a coroutine. session: requests.Session or aiohttp.ClientSession The HTTP session that will be used to make requests to the API. :attr:`session` will be a :class:`requests.Session` or :class:`aiohttp.ClientSession` depending on :attr:`is_async`. default_name: str .. warning:: In order for some attributes to be filled, :meth:`get_info()` must be called prior. The default name of the webhook, this can be changed via :meth:`modify` or directly through discord server settings. default_avatar: str The `avatar string < sources/user#avatar-data>`_ of the webhook. guild_id: int Defaults to -1. The id of the webhook's guild. channel_id: int Defaults to -1. The id of the channel the webhook sends messages to. """ # noqa: W605 URL_REGEX = r'^(?:https?://)?(canary\.)?discordapp\.com/api/webhooks/' \ r'(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<token>[A-Za-z0-9\.\-\_]+)/?$' ENDPOINT = '{id}/{token}' CDN = r'' \ r'{}/{0.default_avatar}.{1}?size={2}' def __init__(self, url: str = '', session: Union[aiohttp.ClientSession, requests.Session, None] = None, is_async: bool = False, **options): self.url = url = options.get('id', -1) self.token = options.get('token', '') if not self.url and ( == -1 or not self.token): raise ValueError("Either url, or id and token must be provided.") elif not self.url and ( or self.token): raise ValueError("url and (id or token) must not be both " "provided.") self.username = options.get('username', '') self.avatar_url = options.get('avatar_url', '') self._parse_or_format_url() self.is_async = is_async if session is not None: self.session = session if is_async and not isinstance(self.session, aiohttp.ClientSession): raise TypeError("is_async is set to True, but session " "isn't aiohttp.ClientSession.") elif not is_async and not isinstance(self.session, requests.Session): raise TypeError("is_async is set to False, but session " "isn't requests.Session.") else: if self.is_async: self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession() else: self.session = requests.Session() self.default_name = '' self.default_avatar = '' self.guild_id = -1 self.channel_id = -1
[docs] @classmethod def Async(cls, url: str = '', session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None, **options) -> 'Webhook': """ Returns a new instance of Webhook with :attr:`is_async` set to :class:`True`. Equivalent to: :: Webhook(url, session=session, is_async=True, **options) """ return cls(url, session=session, is_async=True, **options)
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, *args): await self.close() def close(self): return self.session.close() @property def default_avatar_url(self) -> str: if not self.default_avatar: # return default image return '' return self.CDN.format(self, 'png', 1024)
[docs] @alias('execute') def send(self, content: str = '', embed: Optional[Embed] = None, embeds: Optional[List[Embed]] = None, file: Optional[File] = None, username: str = '', avatar_url: str = '', tts: bool = False) -> 'Webhook': """ Sends a message to discord through the webhook. Parameters ---------- content: str, optional The message contents (up to 2000 characters) embed: :class:`Embed`, optional Single embedded rich content. embeds: List[:class:`Embed`], optional List of embedded rich content. file: :class:`File`, optional The file that will be uploaded. tts: bool, optional Defaults to :class:`False`. Whether or not the message will use text-to-speech. username: str, optional Defaults to :attr:`username`. Override the default username of the webhook. avatar_url: str, optional Defaults to :attr:`avatar_url`. Override the default avatar of the webhook. """ payload = { 'tts': tts } username = username if username else self.username avatar_url = avatar_url if avatar_url else self.avatar_url if content: payload['content'] = content if username: payload['username'] = username if avatar_url: payload['avatar_url'] = avatar_url if embeds is None: embeds = [] if embed is not None: embeds.append(embed) else: if embed is not None: raise ValueError("embed and embeds cannot both be set.") if not content and not embeds and not file: raise ValueError("One of content, embed/embeds, " "or file must be set") payload['embeds'] = [em.to_dict() for em in embeds] return self._request('POST', payload, file=file)
[docs] @alias('edit') def modify(self, name: str = '', avatar: bytes = b"") -> 'Webhook': """Edits the webhook. Parameters ---------- name: str, optional The new default name of the webhook. avatar: bytes, optional The new default avatar that webhook will be set to. """ payload = {} if name: payload['name'] = name if avatar: payload['avatar'] = bytes_to_base64_data(avatar) if not payload: raise ValueError('No attributes to modify.') return self._request(method='PATCH', payload=payload)
[docs] def get_info(self) -> 'Webhook': """ Updates :class:`Webhook` with fresh data retrieved from discord. The following attributes are retrieved and updated: * :attr:`default_avatar` * :attr:`default_name` * :attr:`guild_id` * :attr:`channel_id` """ return self._request(method='GET')
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """ Deletes the :class:`Webhook` permanently. """ self._request(method='DELETE')
def _request(self, method: str = 'POST', payload: dict = None, file: Optional[File] = None, headers: dict = None) -> \ Union[Optional['Webhook'], Coroutine[Optional['Webhook'], None, Optional['Webhook']]]: """ Makes a request to the API. This function may or may not be a coroutine based on the :attr:`is_async` attribute. """ if self.is_async: return self._async_request(method, payload, file, headers) # type annotation support for Python 3.5 self.session = self.session # type: requests.Session if payload is None: payload = {} if headers is None: headers = {} rate_limited = True resp = None while rate_limited: if method == "POST": if file is not None: payload = {'payload_json': json.dumps(payload)} multipart = {'file': (, file.fp)} resp =, data=payload, headers=headers, files=multipart) else: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' resp =, json=payload, headers=headers) elif method == "DELETE": resp = self.session.delete(self.url, headers=headers) elif method == "PATCH": resp = self.session.patch(self.url, json=payload, headers=headers) elif method == "GET": resp = self.session.get(self.url, headers=headers) else: raise ValueError("Bad method: {}".format(method)) if resp.status_code == 429: # Too many request time.sleep(resp.json()['retry_after'] / 1000.0) if file is not None: continue else: if file is not None: file.close() rate_limited = False if resp.status_code == 204: # method DELETE return resp.raise_for_status() self._update_fields(resp.json()) return self async def _async_request(self, method: str = 'POST', payload: dict = None, file: Optional[File] = None, headers: dict = None) -> \ Optional['Webhook']: """ Async version of the request function using aiohttp. """ # type annotation support for Python 3.5 self.session = self.session # type: aiohttp.ClientSession if payload is None: payload = {} if headers is None: headers = {} rate_limited = True resp = None while rate_limited: if method == "POST": if file is not None: data = aiohttp.FormData() data.add_field('file', file.fp, data.add_field('payload_json', json.dumps(payload)) resp = await, data=data, headers=headers) else: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' resp = await, json=payload, headers=headers) elif method == "DELETE": resp = await self.session.delete(self.url, headers=headers) elif method == "PATCH": resp = await self.session.patch(self.url, json=payload, headers=headers) elif method == "GET": resp = await self.session.get(self.url, headers=headers) else: raise ValueError("Bad method: {}".format(method)) if resp.status == 429: # Too many request await asyncio.sleep((await resp.json()) ['retry_after'] / 1000.0) if file is not None: continue else: if file is not None: file.close() rate_limited = False if resp.status == 204: # method DELETE return resp.raise_for_status() self._update_fields(await resp.json()) return self def _update_fields(self, data: dict) -> None: if 'content' in data: return # a message object was returned = data.get('id', self.token = data.get('token', self.token) self.default_avatar = data.get('avatar', self.default_avatar) self.default_name = data.get('name', self.default_name) self.guild_id = data.get('guild_id', self.guild_id) self.channel_id = data.get('channel_id', self.channel_id) def _parse_or_format_url(self) -> None: if not self.url: self.url = self.ENDPOINT.format(, token=self.token) else: match = re.match(self.URL_REGEX, self.url) if match is None: raise ValueError('Invalid webhook URL provided.') = int("id")) self.token ="token")